According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, regular use of a sauna imparts a similar boost on the cardiovascular system as running. As you relax in the gentle infrared heat, your body is hard at work producing sweat, pumping blood and burning calories.
As your body increases sweat production to cool itself, your heart works harder to pump blood at a greater rate to boost circulation. This increase in your metabolism may burn calories.
Using an infrared sauna as intended as part of a healthy lifestyle promotes the temporary increase in blood flow to muscles and may offer temporary relief of arthritic pain.
Muscles relax best when tissues are warm for greater flexibility and range of motion. Far Infrared heat may help relieve muscle tension by increasing the thermal energy in your muscles.
Maintaining a cool body temperature is important for falling asleep. It explains why you have trouble sleeping on especially hot summer nights and why it’s easier to sleep when your bedroom is cool and dark. You can hack your body’s thermoregulation process by warming your body in an infrared sauna then allowing it to cool down after. This quick cool-down speeds up the process for your brain to fall asleep. The end result is a cool body that’s primed for sleep.
By using an infrared sauna before bed, you calm your body and mind promoting restful sleep. A calmer mind sleeps better for longer than a restless one.
“It has been known for decades that sweating is a wonderful way to get rid of stored chemicals, including heavy metals. In fact, a sauna is one of the detoxification procedures used in the Environmental Units in Dallas (Dr. William Rea) and North Charleston (Dr. Allan Lieberman) where the sickest of folks go to heal.” Dr. Sherry Rogers, Total Wellness, May 2000.
Since the far-infrared radiant heat of Clearlight Saunas® increases thermal energy in tissue, it is effective at temporarily reducing cellulite. There is a direct link between the slowing of metabolic rates and the storage of toxins in fat cells. Sauna use and far-infrared heat can temporarily increase heart rate and promote a temporary increase in localized blood circulation. This may reverse the above-mentioned trends towards the accumulation of liquids in the fat cells to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Infrared heat may temporarily ease joint pain and stiffness. Increased thermal energy to the joints may promote a temporary increase in blood flow. Increased thermal energy may reduce stiffness and increase range of motion.
Just a few minutes in the gentle warmth of an infrared sauna can help you feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and renewed.
The profuse sweating achieved after just a few minutes in your Clearlight Sauna will allow impurities in the pores to come out. The temporary increase in local blood circulation may help reduce the risk of certain chronic skin conditions.